Meet the Creators
Hi guys, we are Virtal Duck Studios. We wanted to introduce ourselves and give you an insight into who we are as Creatives.
Hello, I am Georgia
I have always appreciated videogames and animated films for their range of creativity needed to get the end product my favorite part within the group is storyboarding and pre production.
Like a lot of people I have grown up with it and even obsessed over them as a child and still am.
The way your brain starts to work in the studio is rather different you see things from how you have newly understood them and therefore analyze it differently allowing us to become more advanced with what ourselves are able to provide as a result.
These processes are just becoming more and more intellectual and refined and its everywhere, this is inspiring that we are enabled to create something so awesome and that maybe we can provide something to people I have had provided to me that make me enjoy life better. What would life be without these things? In my opinion rather stale and rather boring.
I hope we as a team can encourage other people and we can provide a positive benefit from what we create. Whether its morals, technique, entertainment or escapism.
Hi my name’s Tia.
I joined the CAA course because I‘ve always been interested in animated films and how they are able to cause an emotional impact on their audience. I am also really interested in how animation is created. My main influences are Pixar, Disney and Dreamworks and I aspire to work for one them in the future. My area of strength with in the group is art and design which is why I am one of the art directors and main Director.
Hi, I’m Emily.
I first joined the CAA course as I had a desire to know how animations are designed and made. I am influenced by Disney and Pixar as I loved the films when I was a child and I still love them now. I believe my strengths within the group will be modelling and organising the group which is why I am the producer. In the future I aspire to work within a studio.
Hi, I'm Nelly.
I decided to start doing Computer Animation after falling in love with the process of animation, and the freedom to express yourself and the stories that are constantly going around my head. I have always been in love with storytelling, from my background of theatre and folk culture, it is something that I have grown up with and is a part of me. I think this is what drives my creative process; a want to express the stories and worlds that others haven't or can't, and bring the magic and mystery that those posses to as many people as possible. I think my strengths within the group lie within a lot of the admin work; through researching and media promotion, alongside lighting and compositing. In the future I think I would like to work on projects based around the cross over between animation and the real world. Perhaps this would be through projection and live mapping, or interactive theatre scenery such as that used on Aladdin the Musical. I want to bring the magic and wonder of animation into the real world, bring back a little of that spark that we have lost in the modern era with our use of social media and how small the world has become. I want to bring back the ability to get entirely lost in an immersive world with others.
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